Monday, February 24, 2014

Peels, feels, smeels (smiles)

I've been an esthetician for 8 years now and have suffered from acne which is heredity and my AVM condition. 

"Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is an abnormal connection between arteries andveins, bypassing the capillary system. Thisvascular anomaly is widely known because of its occurrence in the central nervous system, but can appear in any location. Although many AVMs are asymptomatic, they can cause intense pain or bleeding or lead to other serious medical problems.

AVMs are usually congenital and belong to the RASopathies. The genetic transmission patterns of AVM, if any, are unknown. AVM is not generally thought to be an inherited disorder, unless in the context of a specific hereditary syndrome." -expedia

My acne at this point is manageable with the occasional major breakouts around that time of the month. Although it's been under control, I've been very self-conscious with the scarring that was left. I had cystic acne, very deep and painful acne, and as any dermatologist or esthetician would know, is that the scars left are not only the red/blue scars, but the pitted ones, or craters one would be more familiar with. These type of scars are the most difficult to get rid of. There are two ways of dimishing them, peels or actual face lift for the deep pitted scars. Because I did not want to go under the knife and did not have the money or time (I'm a mother of a 5yr and 4yr old girls), I opt to do the peel. I am a licensed esthetician so luckily I'm able to administer the peel to myself. 

I planned a schedule out for my peels, making sure I had enough down time in between each peel but still being aggressive about doing it to get the results I wanted quicker. 

To pre-treat my actual Jessner peel, I started doing glycolic peel safe enough to use daily. Just starting with the glycolic peel, I could see a difference and even got compliments about my skin from my clients and co-workers (that is a big thing for us acne-prone skin-ners). 24 hrs before I did the Jessner I stopped my glycolic peel. When I did my first treatment of the Jessner peel, I was so surprised at how smooth the texture of my skin changed. I peeled for about 3-5 days and was very religious about having a skin regimen with sunscreen, and staying out of the sun. Since then, I have done 4 treatments, and although I am not to where I want my skin to be, I know I'm headed in the right direction with these treatments. 

If you're thinking of trying peels, consult with a licensed esthetician or dermotologist. Remember, don't give up, there is a regimen out there that would be a right fit. The number one thing I tell my clients and will advise to you - as Estheticians and doctors, we can only help you up to a point, the rest is up to you. Keep up with your regimen and stick to it. And don't forget - Sunscreen it up! 

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